Streamline and control your farm operations with our advanced data-syncing platform and stay ahead with smart predictions
Leverage Artificial Intelligence for more efficient planning and stay ahead with smart predictions.
Our team of experts reimagined the way poultry industry works and put all their knowldge in PoultrySync for you to benefit from.
Using efficient planning, maximum resource utilization, predict performance and increase profits
With our regular audits and preventive measures we empower poultry companies to satisfy third party audit requirements and control fraud
With our AI-Powered insights, correlations, identify root causes and inefficiencies and take faster corrective actions
Ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making within the poultry industry
Managing your Poultry Operations has Never Been Easier
Going through your current operations, data flow and determine the best digitalization roadmap that fits your poultry operations.
Want to see your data and how will you be able to interact with the solution, allow us to help you visualize it and gaining insights through our live demo.
All operations and special cases are handled. Once the training is performed, your company will be live, and operations are visible to you.
Trusted and loved by customers like you.
"PoultrySync is better than what we thought was out there. Extremely easy to deploy, no complex infrastructure needed, and truly easy and visually pleasing interface.We cannot imagine working without it anymore"
“Now, I have the time to focus on my decisions instead of waiting to analyze data coming from multiple sources.”
“Easy and Fast actions which impacts the performance in the breeders, broilers, hatcheries, and the slaughterhouse”
Get in touch today! for a customized digitalization road map for your poultry operations!