Our Products

Leverage artificial intelligence for more efficient planning and stay ahead with smart predictions.


Elevate your broiler production with PoultrySync's specialized module, designed to maximize weight, optimize feed conversion, and control resources.

Improve Flock Health and Reduce Loss
Supplier and Breed Analysis
Save 90% of your time
Streamline Data Collection


Achieve superior fertility rates, hatchability and chick quality through our intelligent insights.

Save Time & Reduce Errors
Improve Fertility & Hatchability
Obtain instant updates from the hatchery
Enhance Decision - Making Process


Streamline your hatchery process to ensure optimal hatch rates, chick yield, and operational efficiency.

Real-time Calibration of Vaccination Machines
Rapid Response for Quality Deviations
Real-time tracking of vaccination process
Ensure Timely decisions


Enhance egg production, quality, and hen health with our tailoredinsights.

Instantly know egg production rate
Instantly know egg production rate
Instantly know egg categories
Maximize Egg Production


Maximize yield, add compliance, ensuring you meet market demands with excellence.

Automatic calculation of Primary yield
Directly Correlate Products to their sources
Efficient Management of Rejects
Immediate Verification of Incoming Trucks


Streamline all management of production lines, production units, reduce waste, machines downtime and improve cost-effectiveness.

Automate Raw Material Planning
Auto Align  with strategic plans and digitalized requests
Precise tracking of nutrient levels in silos to guide feed formulation
Streamline Financial Operations and Improve Budget Accuracy


Optimize breeding strategies, track genetic traits, and improve overall flock quality.

Save Time and Reduce Errors
Improve Fertility and Hatchability
Managing different lines
Enhance Decision-Making Process


Ensure accuracy, efficiency, and innovation in your testing and sampling processes.

Ensure Accurate Sample Tracking
Minimize Paperwork and Reduce Errors
Reduce Downtime
Powered by AI

Quality Management

Monitor, analyze, and enhance your operations, ensuring excellence and customer satisfaction.

Compliance with comprehensive traceability
Optimized and streamlined  operations
Predict KPIs with 98% accuracy
Robust employee performance monitoring

Don’t take our word for it, take theirs!

Trusted and loved by customers like you.

“The team members from PoultrySync are truly industry experts”

“Easy and Fast actions which impacts the performance in the breeders, broilers, hatcheries, and the slaughterhouse”

Abdulwahed Al-Obaed
Chief Operations Officer -  Golden Chicken

High-impact services to help your poultry business

Need help with the digital transformation of your poultry operations?

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