
Tailored Poultry add-ons empowering Smart, Informed Decisions for Consistent Market Success

B2B and Government Audits

Our cutting-edge system empowers efficient monitoring and control of poultry production nationwide. With a powerful geographic mapping tool, outbreaks can be visualized, enabling swift and targeted responses. This comprehensive approach ensures tighter regulatory compliance and oversight, while proactively managing the poultry sector to enhance safety and productivity on a national scale

Track and Forecast nationwide production
Visualize, Monitor, and Respond with our Advanced Geographic Mapping Tools for Swift Outbreak Management and Regulatory Compliance
Closely monitor upcoming supply fluctuation
Experience enhanced oversight, safety, and productivity on a national scale.
Accurately Spot and Forecast supply-demand mismatch
Proactively manage your poultry production, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted supply chain. Gain a competitive edge by optimizing your operations and staying prepared for changing market dynamics
Spot Nation-Wide Performance Trends and Patterns
With our advanced geographic mapping tools, it visualizes the spread and intensity of outbreaks nationwide, enabling swift and targeted responses.
Provide a strong backbone for traceability & food safety
Gain a competitive edge by optimizing the overall operations and staying prepared for changing market dynamics.


Streamline compliance for audits from third-party organizations like Ministries of Agriculture for subsidies and food service giants like McDonald's and KFC. Our system ensures effortless adherence to the standards required in the poultry industry.

Comprehensive Record-Keeping
Facilitates detailed and transparent documentation needed for audit processes.
Data Transparency
Ensures all required information is accessible and easy to verify during audits.
Regulatory Compliance
Helps farms meet specific animal welfare standards, environmental regulations, and quality controls.
Enhanced Credibility
Boosts farm attractiveness to major industry players through proven compliance, maintaining eligibility for subsidies, and preferred supplier status


PoultrySync integrates rigorous governance practices specifically tailored for the poultry industry, ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient management in all aspects of poultry production. This governance framework underpins sustainable and responsible farming operations.

Biosecurity Management
Minimizes risks related to poultry health and safety by enforcing strict biosecurity measures.
Resource Optimization
Improves the allocation and utilization of resources like feed, water, and energy, enhancing overall farm efficiency
Trust Among Stakeholders
Builds confidence with suppliers, regulators, and customers by maintaining high standards of production and ethical practices
Sustainable Farming Practices
Promotes environmentally sustainable methods and animal welfare, aligning with industry regulations and societal expectations


PoultrySync utilizes advanced forward and backward planning techniques across the entire value chain, starting from customer demand and tracing back through every stage to create comprehensive and actionable plans. This customizable planning allows for precise alignment with specific operational assumptions and enables the creation of multiple scenarios for strategic flexibility.

Customization and Flexibility
Tailor plans according to specific assumptions, allowing adjustments to meet unique business needs.
Scenario Analysis
Compare various plans under different assumptions to evaluate potential outcomes and prepare for 'what if' scenarios
Automated Planning
Generate materials and placement plans automatically, ensuring quick adaptation and response to changing conditions.
One-Click Adjustments
Easily modify assumptions and regenerate plans with a single click, enhancing operational agility and responsiveness

Advanced Insights and Analytics

PoultrySync delivers advanced insights and analytics, automatically generated from comprehensive data across the value chain, enabling strategic decision-making and operational optimization. These insights equip poultry businesses with the knowledge to select optimal suppliers, breeds, farm managers, and equipment, as well as make informed choices about vaccination and medication products.

Optimal Resource Selection
Provides data-driven recommendations for choosing the best suppliers and breeds that align with business goals and production requirements.
Management Optimization
Analyzes performance data to identify top-performing farm managers and effective equipment, ensuring high operational efficiency
Health and Safety Enhancements
Offers insights into the most effective vaccination and medication products, enhancing flock health and biosecurity measures
Strategic Decision-Making
Empowers businesses to make strategic decisions based on thorough analysis of the entire value chain, improving overall profitability and sustainability.

Food Safety

PoultrySync enhances food safety through its advanced traceability feature, enabling detailed tracking of products from the slaughterhouse and table eggs back through all stages of the value chain. This comprehensive traceability ensures that any potential safety issues can be swiftly identified and addressed, maintaining the integrity and safety of the food supply.

Efficient Issue Resolution
Quickly investigate and resolve issues by tracing products back through every stage with just a scan of a QR code or entry of relevant details, reducing the time needed to pinpoint problems.
Streamlined Data Handling
Eliminates the cumbersome process of aggregating and mapping data from Excel sheets across various stages, facilitating faster and more accurate decision-making.
Integrated Operations
Seamless integration across all stages of production ensures automatic tracing of products, allowing for easy identification and investigation of any discrepancies or issues
Rapid Response Capability
Enhance responsiveness to food safety concerns by enabling immediate tracing and investigation with a simple click, significantly reducing delays and potential risks to consumers.

Executive Experience

The PoultrySync Executive Application empowers company executives to efficiently monitor and manage their operations by providing instant access to crucial KPIs and performance metrics. This powerful tool eliminates the need for traditional, slow information-gathering methods, offering executives a dynamic view of their operations against the budget.

Instant Access to KPIs
Executives can view all key performance indicators related to their
operations directly, without waiting for reports from secretaries or managers, speeding up
Automatic Plan vs. Budget Reports
The application generates real-time comparisons of
budget versus actual performance, available at the click of a button, which facilitates timely adjustments and strategic planning.
Visualized Data for Quick Insights
All KPIs are presented in a visual format, making it easy
for executives to digest complex data and derive insights quickly
Drill-Down Capabilities
Provides the ability to delve deeper into specific KPls for more
detailed information, allowing executives to understand the underlying factors affecting
performance and outcomes

Don’t take our word for it, take theirs!

Trusted and loved by customers like you.

“The team members from PoultrySync are truly industry experts”

“Easy and Fast actions which impacts the performance in the breeders, broilers, hatcheries, and the slaughterhouse”

Abdulwahed Al-Obaed
Chief Operations Officer -  Golden Chicken

High-impact services to help your poultry business

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